Boy falls off three storeys of a building and cheats death
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Sagaya Fernando
Mumbai: 13 November 2018
True to the anonymous saying ‘Angles are never too distant to hear you’, an 11-year-old boy experienced this first hand, surviving a fall from the third floor of a building. Incidentally, he fell on top of his friend and both escaped without a single injury.
The incident took place on November 11 at around 7.13 pm in the small town of Pusad in Maharashtra, India. Three boys enjoying their Diwali vacation were flying a kite and it got stuck in the external pipe three storeys high of a nearby building. 11-year-old Swapnil Jagre climbed the pipe to release the kite. After freeing the kite, he slipped off the pipe and plummeted to the ground 40 feet below.
Luckily, at that moment, one of the friends who had rushed to collect the falling kite, bent down to pick it up, and Swapnil fell right on his back and rolled off to the ground. Miraculously, both of them escaped without a scratch or injury. The whole incident was captured on the CCTV camera of a nearby building.
When the boys reported about the incident to their family members none of them believed it as both the boys did not show any sign of injury. It was only after the CCTV footage surfaced and went viral the parents realized the gravity of the incident. “Seeing the footage, I can only say that it is by God’s grace my son’s friend broke his fall, and both of them escaped unscathed. It is like a second birth of my son,” said Swapnil’s mother Swati Jagre.
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