Sagaya Fernando Mumbai: 6 November 22 A team of doctors at Apollo Multispecialty hospital in Triuchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, saved the life of a 33-years-old man whose neck was pierced through by a feet long iron rod. Karthikeyan, a resident of Ariyamangalam in the city, was watering the concrete slabs on the first floor of his under-construction house when he accidentally slipped and fell 15 to 20 feet down, on October 15. As he fell, a 5 feet long iron rod with serrated edges pierced through his neck and came out from the back. “Within fifteen minutes of the mishap, his relatives rushed him to our hospital which is in close vicinity,” informed Apollo Multispecialty Hospital, Triuchirappalli, Consultant General, Laparoscopic and Bariatric Surgeon Dr Mohamed Mansoor, who led the operating team. “On evaluation in emergency, it was seen that he had a 5 feet long iron rod penetrating into the anterior aspect of neck and exiting the posterior aspect of neck.
"Wild elephant visits army canteen in India in search of food"
Sagaya Fernando
Mumbai: August 2, 2018
A wild elephant entered an army canteen located in the military station at Binnaguri in West Bengal state, India, in search of food recently.
The footage of incident shot on mobile by a staff shows the wild tusker searching for food in the canteen’s dining hall without making a mess of the area.
“The elephant left the camp in dignity without causing any damage,” said Col. Rohit Sharma stationed at the base.
Binnaguri is a small hamlet in Alipurdar district close to the border with Bhutan.
“The lush green foliage and grass in the military station attract elephants from the nearby forests located in Bhutan. The smell of ripening jack fruit attracts them so also the pineapple in kitchen gardens. During fruiting season herds of elephants visit the station,” said an army personnel.
He further added, “So far the animals have not harmed any residents or caused any major damage to the property. The army personnel are used to them and sometimes drive them away bursting crackers and lighting torches. Both men and the elephants live in perfect symbiosis here.”
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